Home Care Services WA

Plan Managment

Plan Managment

Plan Management supports you in managing your NDIS funds. We will help you and those around you understand your plan and the choice and control you have surrounded your allocated funding Our Plan Management team handles the day-to-day administration that comes with an NDIS plan, such as processing invoices and keeping track of your fund balance.

Plan management allows you to:

  • have choice and control over the providers you use;
  • use NDIS registered providers;
  • use non-registered providers (although your Plan Manager must be a registered provider);
  • negotiate pricing to pay less than the NDIS price guide;
  • make value for money decisions in line with your plan;
  • view your plan to keep track of your budget.


We will provide you with:

  • Expert Advice on anything relating to NDIS Plans
  • A monthly overview of your spending
  • Timely processing of invoices
  • Real-time budget access

Our plan managers help you keep track of your NDIS funds and pay your providers, while our support coordinators help activate your NDIS plan and connect you to the best local support providers to achieve your goals. Let us help you to maximise the possibilities of your NDIS plan today!